Say Something — The Podcast Feedback Recorder

Give our podcast feedback recorder a try.

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We love to hear your feedback about the podcast.

Need a prompt?

  • What did you think about the last episode you heard?
  • What is your favorite kind of episode?
  • Who have been your favorite guests?
  • What are your big concerns about the fashion business?
  • What haven’t we covered that you’d like to hear about?
  • Tell us about what you do? You have up to 5 minutes to record.

If we like what you have to say, we may include it in the show, or add it to our social media.

If you don’t want us to share the recording, just say so. Please tell us what’s on your mind either way!

We value your feedback. It always sucks to be doing a podcast in the dark, so we love to hear from you!

Are you interested in working with us?

Check out the new Partnerships page.

Listen to some of Charles Beckwith’s favorite episodes:

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